Flow: Songs and Stories from the Fitzroy Valley
Sound FX Project
Recorded on Bunuba Country

Tura’s program Sound FX explores music, story, cultural knowledge, and language through long term collaborations with education and community partners in the Fitzroy Valley.
Facilitated by award-winning community music composer, researcher and educator Dr Gillian Howell, this program aims to strengthen and diversify the ways that music-making can support community goals around language knowledge, wellbeing, and healing.
The album Flow: Songs and stories from the Fitzroy Valley features a collection of songs written and recorded as part of Sound FX. It was released October 28, 2021.
Students from the Fitzroy Valley District High School, Bayulu Remote Community School, and Muludja Remote Community School came created the lyrics in workshops in their schools and then came together at Fitzroy Valley District High School to record their vocals. Songs in the Flow Album feature Bunuba, Walmajarri, Gooniyandi and English languages.

Sound FX Flow Album

Creative director – Gillian Howell (director of Sound FX)
Produced by Gillian Howell and Alan Pigram
Engineered and mastered by Alan Pigram
View the full music and lyric credits and purchase the album on Bandcamp.